It’s hard to hold onto hope in the daily onslaught of cancellations, closings, supply shortages, and rising cases of Covid-19. Each day seems to serve as a fresh reminder of all we aren’t getting to do, and of the very real fears of what we might lose. It can feel like the only thing that’s certain right now is uncertainty.

Here are 4 strategies to find hope and purpose even in crisis.
1) Turn Disappointment Into Possibility
It’s hard not to dwell on the loss of all we hoped for, planned, and expected. Don’t allow comparison to rob you of what is still possible.
Allow yourself space to grieve the loss of your well-laid plans.
Take time to process what you valued about your plans. What were you most excited about? What was important to you?
Brainstorm opportunities. What is possible instead? Write down as many ideas as you can, even if they don’t seem exciting right now.
Explore: what are ways you can achieve what is important to you, given these opportunities? Where will your values play into your new plans?
Recognize that this is an ongoing process. Continue to give yourself time to reflect on your values, what’s possible, and how you can nourish fresh excitement for changed plans.
2) Hit Pause
Stop fear in its tracks by hitting pause and re-setting your thinking.
Use the “PIC” Method:
Identify the fear
Challenge the fear through questions such as:
What is productive here?
How else can I choose to look at this scenario?
How have I been allowing fear to rule? How do I want to choose to take power away from fear?
What will I center my focus on instead?
Questions shift our focus from what we can’t control to what we can control.
3) Stay Connected: Fuel Love, Not Fear
As the Apostle John said, “Perfect love drives out fear.” source
Fuel your love, and you will find there is less room for fear. Invest your thought life, time, and energy into loving well:
Reflect on what you love about your family: What delights you about your husband? What are your favorite quirks of your teen?
Grow Your Gratitude: Each day, name 1 gift or contribution you saw in each family member. The very act of anticipating blessing will grow your appreciation--and love--for your family.
Connect in fresh ways:
Sneak notes into your kids’ lunches. They won’t expect it at home!
Take the 5 love languages quiz with your family. Share your results! Do you agree with them? Brainstorm together ways you can practice the different love languages.
Let your teen teach you something: how to do a match on their game, put a photo on Instagram, or do that floss dance. You get to enter their world in a unique way--and they get to boost their patience, empathy, and communication skills.
Bridge the miles between loved ones by sharing videos of your misadventures in quarantine. Try the Marco Polo app for easy sharing.
4) Create Space for Play
Binging Netflix, YouTube, and Disney + can put anxiety on the shelf for a time. But if you’re like me, once you close the computer or turn off the TV, all the worries come rushing back with the return to reality.
Choose activities that connect you deeply to the present. Now is an amazing opportunity to rediscover lost passions or find new ones. Dust off your piano. Grab a paintbrush. Step outside for a long walk at sunset. Feed your soul.
Need More Inspiration? These activities will bring laughter into your home!
Let your kids, friends, or spouse dress you for a week. Here's the idea in action!
Host a chores competition. Create 2 lists of chores & divide into 2 teams. Whoever finishes first gets served dinner by the other team!
This blog post was originally posted on April 9, 2020 via Stephanie Haynes Coaching.