Your Life Coach
Meet Katie
My mission is to help students and recent graduates find the freedom to intentionally choose and build their lives. To become their truest self, fully alive in Christ and confidently walking out their passion and purpose.
Where I Started
I walked away after one semester of grad school. I had followed my passions, but they weren’t giving me joy anymore. The one thing I had been sure of was gone.
I was discouraged, broke, staggering under student loans, and overwhelmed by decisions. I didn’t know what my purpose was. I watched longingly as other women married, bought homes, traveled, and pursued their dream careers. What if I never got to have those things?

It's a Miracle I Found Freedom
You can find freedom too!
I’ll be honest with you. It’s a miracle I found freedom. Why? I was attempting to build my life under the assumptions that 1) my happiness was dictated by my circumstances and 2) that it was up to me to make hopes come to fruition.
So I desperately strived for control over my day-to-day life, using my accomplishments to measure my success. I diligently Googled how-tos, poured over self-help books, and spent hours in therapy.
My efforts to control my circumstances left me exhausted, stretched thin, and more stressed and paralyzed than ever as I constantly fell short and compared what I had against the life I wanted.
It shouldn’t have been that hard!

You Have Power Over Your Own Life
Get the clarity + freedom to build a life of purpose
Thankfully, in the process, I discovered that I already have power over my life and the choices I make, when I am working from the inside out.
It was only through daily inside-out work with Jesus, friends to draw out my gifts, and accountability from mentors that I was able to:
● Get clear on what I wanted
● Break free of life-long depression and anxiety
● Create simple, easy steps to choose joy every day
● Find fruit even in long stretches of waiting
● Step away from comparison
● Cut through distractions
● Move forward confidently in my career
That is also why it’s so hard to do this alone.
You have God-given gifts and experiences and (most importantly) access to the most powerful and loving being in the universe. But we live in a frantically paced world full of distractions, lies about success, and constant temptations in social media to comparison. A world too often devoid of deep relationships and life-giving community.
God dreams are so much bigger than us that it’s easy for the world to drown them out.
You can have the most beautiful dreams in the world — but without clarity, freedom, and momentum — it’s hard to step into the life you were made for.
Get to Know
I live with my husband and cat in Knoxville, Tennessee. We’re a stone’s throw from the Smokies, and we take every opportunity to slip away for a long waterfall hike. (My husband and I, not the cat!)
I enjoy breakfast on the porch while my cat gets in his bird watching. In the evenings, my favorite thing is to curl up with a warm blanket and the well-worn pages of a Jane Austen novel or Harry Potter book.
I also love running, game nights with friends, and finding ways to make healthy food delicious. I love my husband more than anything on earth, and I love Jesus more than anything in the world.
I'm blessed to coach both online and in person from the Christian Student Fellowship on The University of Tennessee's campus.

70+ Hours of ICF training, the gold standard of coach training
Group Facilitator with Promised Land Living’s 4-week Unshakeable Workshop
Life Coach at the Christian Student Fellowship on The University of Tennessee's campus
3 years as an academic coach & learning specialist with Psychoeducational Network
When you are who you were created to be—when you are you as your most you, the vividest version of yourself—that’s what it is to be fully alive in Jesus Christ.
Schedule a free inquiry call
Let's talk about what's keeping you from moving forward and determine how we could work together to build momentum in your life.
Step into a life of freedom
Equipped with the right tools and confidence, you'll feel ready to pursue your biggest dreams.
Your Path to Clarity and Vision Starts Now

Statement of
The sole basis for my beliefs is the Bible, which is fully inspired by God and is the final authority on all matters on which it speaks.
I believe there is one God, eternally existing in three beings — Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and each possesses all the attributes of deity.
I believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, that He led a sinless life, and that He purchased our salvation with His intentional sacrifice at the cross. I believe that He was fully resurrected and ascended to Heaven and that He will return again.
I believe Salvation comes only through God’s grace — not human effort — and must be received personally by confession, repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
I believe in the miracles of Christ and His followers and that He gave us the authority in Him to likewise work miracles in His name.
I believe we were each fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, with His desires for our lives written into us at creation.
I believe that The Holy Spirit draws sinners to Christ and equips all believers for personal growth and service according to God’s purpose. And that He works everything for our good.